Database structure
Data entry is the main purpose of ECDBC. The user's interface is designed in such a way, that it reflects the logical structure of entered data, which is described in following sections of the manual.
The main object in the database is the Patient. Every other objects, like admission or operation, are always entered in the context of the specific patient and cannot exist without him/her. Therefore, the procedure of data entry always starts with entering the patient into the database. Patient's properties are:
- First name
- Last name
- Gender
- Date of birth
- Antenatal diagnosis
- Gestational age
- Date of last follow-up
- Last follow-up classification
- Post rheumatic heart disease
- Date of death (if applicable)
Diagnoses are related to the patient and always entered in the context of the specific patient. For example, if you see “John Doe” on the top of the program window, it means that you can see and enter John Doe's diagnoses (and nobody's else). When you want to enter other patient's diagnoses, you have to pick him/her from the list on the left. When you do so, the label on the top changes to the new name.
One patient can have many diagnoses. Diagnoses are ordered, more important diagnoses are on top, least important are on the bottom of the diagnoses list. The first diagnosis is the patient's FundamentalDiagnosis.
Non Cardiac Abnormalities
NCA behave in similar way to the diagnoses. One patient can have many NCA.
Statuses Post
Statuses Post behave in similar way to the diagnoses. One patient can have many Statuses Post.
Patients have admissions (sojourns). One patient can have many admissions. One admission is assigned to one, and only one patient. Admission's properties are:
- Date of admission
- Date of discharge
- Discharge location
- Readmission reason (if applicable)
Admissions have operations. One admission can have many operations. One operation is assigned to one, and only one admission. Operation's properties are:
- Operation type
- Date of surgery
- ICU discharge date
- Surgeon
- Patient's weight at the time of surgery
- Patient's height at the time of surgery
- Status at 30 days
- CPB Time (if applicable)
- AOX Time (if applicable)
- Circulatory Arrest Time (if applicable)
- Prior operations information
- Comment (free text)
Extended data set introduced with 2010 database nomenclature update:
- Procedure location
- Temperature monitoring site
- Lowest core temperature
- Cerebral perfusion utilized
- Cerebral perfusion time
- Cerebral perfusion flow rate
- Cerebral perfusion temperature
- Cardioplegia type
- Delivery route of cardioplegia
- Operating room time
- Skin to skin time
- Intraoperative Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) cerebral metrics used
- Blood products refused
- Transesophageal echocardiography
Operation can “have” many procedures. Procedures are ordered, from most important (on the top) to least important (on the bottom). The procedure on the top is called the PrimaryProcedure. One operation must have at least one procedure.
Complications behave in similar way to procedures. One operation can have many complications.
General Preoperative Risk Factors
GPRFs behave in similar way to procedures. One operation can have many GPRFs.
Anesthesia Adverse Events
AAEs behave in similar way to procedures. One operation can have many AAEs.
Data entry order
The data entry order is determined by its structure. You cannot enter operation without first entering the patient. As the patient is entered, you can proceed and enter the admission. When the admission is entered, you may enter operations performed during this admission.