Entering procedures

From ECHSA Congenital Database
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User's manual

Single user installation
Network installation
Database structure
Export to CSV

Data entry

Staff, Patients, Diagnoses, Non cardiac abnormalities, Admissions, Operations, Procedures

Adding procedure

Adding procedures is similar to adding diagnoses. Select the proper operation from the operations list, by clicking on operation's date. Click on the “Add” button on the right. The new window opens.

Procedure add form

Adding primary procedure

Adding secondary procedure

Pick the desired procedure group and the procedure. When done, press “Save data” button. The procedure is added to the operation.

Please note: The important thing of the procedures is their order. The more important procedure should always be placed above the less important. The procedure at the top is the PrimaryProcedure.

The mortality can be assigned only to the PrimaryProcedure. If the patient had more than one operation, mortality can be assigned to one of the primary procedures among his/her operations.


Assign the outcome

After entering the procedure, go to patient details, edit patient and set "Outcome assigned to".