Basic Score Report tutorial

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Report parameters

This small tutorial will introduce you to the Basic Score Report, step by step. It will help you understand how it works.

Opening the form

First, you should go to the Basic Score Report Form. You can reach it in two ways, by clicking "Online Reports/Basic Score Report" from the main site, or by clicking "Basic Score report" link in the Reports part of the website.

Now you should see the Basic Score Report Form, which looks like this:

Current hospital or whole database?   [ ] XYZ  [o] Whole database
Split by continent                    [ ] Yes  [o] No
Split by hospital                     [ ] Yes  [o] No
Split by surgeon                      [ ] Yes  [o] No
Split by case category                [ ] Yes  [o] No
Split by year                         [ ] Yes  [o] No
Split by survival                     [ ] Yes  [o] No
Split by age group                    [ ] Yes  [o] No

[Generate report]

The Basic Score for the whole database

Second, you will see many options. Just press the "Generate report" button. As a result, you will see one row, similar to this:

Mean Basic Score Number of procedures Number of patients 30 days mortality 30 days survival
6.52 19026 procedures 17422 patients 5,00% 95,00%

This is the mean basic score for the whole database.

Basic Score for each Age Group

Now, let's try something more. Let us see, how the basic score splitted by age group will look. Go to the Basic Score Report Form by clicking on the "Basic Score report" link, which is in the top left corner of the screen. Now, change the "Split by age group" option to "Yes". The form should now look like this:

Current hospital or whole database?   [ ] XYZ  [o] Whole database
Split by continent                    [ ] Yes  [o] No
Split by hospital                     [ ] Yes  [o] No
Split by surgeon                      [ ] Yes  [o] No
Split by case category                [ ] Yes  [o] No
Split by year                         [ ] Yes  [o] No
Split by survival                     [ ] Yes  [o] No
Split by age group                    [o] Yes  [ ] No

[Generate report]

Press the "Generate Report" button and look at the results, which should look like this:

Age group Mean B.S. Number of procedures Number of patients 30 days mortality 30 days survival
Infants 6.68 6322 procedures 5944 patients 5.06% 94.94%
Neonates 7.63 3737 procedures 3444 patients 11.82% 88.18%
The rest 5.95 8967 procedures 8543 patients 1.93% 98.07%

This report shows the basic score for each of the age groups. Now, try other splits, but remember to select only one split at a time, so the results are clear for you.

When you become familiar with the single split, you can try two splits. The good example could be combining some split (e.g. "continent") with the "year" split. Your Basic Score Report Form should look like this:

Current hospital or whole database?   [ ] XYZ  [o] Whole database
Split by continent                    [o] Yes  [ ] No
Split by hospital                     [ ] Yes  [o] No
Split by surgeon                      [ ] Yes  [o] No
Split by case category                [ ] Yes  [o] No
Split by year                         [o] Yes  [ ] No
Split by survival                     [ ] Yes  [o] No
Split by age group                    [ ] Yes  [o] No

[Generate report]

This will show you the basic score for each continent in each year. In this report you will see the basic score in Europe for each year. Other continents will be visible, as well.

Basic Score for surgeons from your hospital

If you wish to see your personal basic score, select two options: set "Current hospital or whole database" to your hospital code, and select split by surgeon, your form should look like this:

Current hospital or whole database?   [o] XYZ  [ ] Whole database
Split by continent                    [ ] Yes  [o] No
Split by hospital                     [ ] Yes  [o] No
Split by surgeon                      [o] Yes  [ ] No
Split by case category                [ ] Yes  [o] No
Split by year                         [ ] Yes  [o] No
Split by survival                     [ ] Yes  [o] No
Split by age group                    [ ] Yes  [o] No

[Generate report]

Press the "Generate report" button, and you should see the basic score values for every surgeon in your hospital.

As you can see, there are 8 switches now, which gives you 28 = 256 possible different reports.

Now, you can try more splits combinations, to explore different Basic Score results.

See also