Export to CSV

From ECHSA Congenital Database
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User's manual

Single user installation
Network installation
Database structure
Export to CSV

Data entry

Staff, Patients, Diagnoses, Non cardiac abnormalities, Admissions, Operations, Procedures

How to export to CSV

To export your data to CSV file, please run the Software and select from the menu:

Select "Complete export"


Confirm export of personal data


Choose the file type





About CSV format

A CSV file is a text file, with fields delimited with comma "," or semicolon ";". Other delimiters are also allowed, but rarely used. The text fields can be quoted, most often by the double quote mark. The example CSV file would look like this:

ID,First name,Last name
2,Mary Jane,Smith

After reading this file in spreadsheet application like OpenOffice or MS Excel, you would get something like:

ID First name Last name
1 John Doe
2 Mary Jane Smith

Tables join

If you import the CSV files into a relational database, to perform any useful report, you need to join patient, admission and operation tables.

Table joining diagram. The three main tables: patient, admission and operation are related as shown above.

Table linking diagram. The three main tables: patient, admission and operation are related as shown above.

See also